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22nd World Forum of Mediation Centres 22e Forum mondial des Centres de médiation 22° Foro mundial de los Centros de Mediación -> Labour Law Disputes Litiges de droit du travail Labour Law Disputes
Current Trends in Start-Ups and Crowd Financing Tendances actuelles dans les start-ups et le financement participatif Tendencias actuales en compañías start ups y micromecenazgo -> The Start-Up Environment and Current Trends The Start-Up Environment and Current Trends The Start-Up Environment and Current Trends
Current Trends in Start-Ups and Crowd Financing Tendances actuelles dans les start-ups et le financement participatif Tendencias actuales en compañías start ups y micromecenazgo -> Crowd financing – Legal environment and practical aspects Crowd financing Legal environment and practical aspects Crowd financing – Legal environment and practical aspects
11th Winter Seminar: Cross-border M&A Transactions – Corporate, Regulatory, Litigation/Arbitration and Related Issues 11e séminaire d’hiver : Fusions et acquisitions transfrontalières – Droit des sociétés, réglementation, contentieux / arbitrage et questions connexes 11° seminario de invierno: Fusiones y adquisiciones transfronterizas – Aspectos societarios, regulatorios, contenciosos / arbitrales y cuestiones relacionadas -> Litigation/Arbitration and Liability Issues – Recent Jurisprudence affecting M&A Transactions (Part III) Litigation/Arbitration and Liability Issues Recent Jurisprudence affecting M&A Transactions (Part III) Litigation/Arbitration and Liability Issues – Recent Jurisprudence affecting M&A Transactions (Part III)
Current Trends in Start-Ups and Crowd Financing Tendances actuelles dans les start-ups et le financement participatif Tendencias actuales en compañías start ups y micromecenazgo -> Early Protection of Know How and IP Rights Early Protection of Know How and IP Rights Early Protection of Know How and IP Rights
Current Trends in Start-Ups and Crowd Financing Tendances actuelles dans les start-ups et le financement participatif Tendencias actuales en compañías start ups y micromecenazgo -> Fostering Start-Ups - Subsidy Schemes for Start-Ups in Austria and Elsewhere Fostering Start-Ups - Subsidy Schemes for Start-Ups in Austria and Elsewhere Fostering Start-Ups - Subsidy Schemes for Start-Ups in Austria and Elsewhere
Current Trends in Start-Ups and Crowd Financing Tendances actuelles dans les start-ups et le financement participatif Tendencias actuales en compañías start ups y micromecenazgo -> Employee Participation and Management Incentive Schemes for Start-Ups Employee Participation and Management Incentive Schemes for Start-Ups Employee Participation and Management Incentive Schemes for Start-Ups
Management, Marketing and Communication of a Small/Medium Law Firm Le management, le marketing et la communication dans les cabinets d’avocats de petite et moyenne taille ? La administración, la mercadotecnia y la comunicación en pequeños o medianos bufetes de abogados -> LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PRODUCTION LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PRODUCTION LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PRODUCTION
Management, Marketing and Communication of a Small/Medium Law Firm Le management, le marketing et la communication dans les cabinets d’avocats de petite et moyenne taille ? La administración, la mercadotecnia y la comunicación en pequeños o medianos bufetes de abogados -> LEGAL MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION LEGAL MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION LEGAL MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION