Necesidades de la formación de base y de la formación continúa para mediadores


del 23 de Mayo al 24 de Mayo de 2014

  • Imprimir
  • 2014-05-23 08:30:00 2014-05-24 18:00:00 Europe/London Necesidades de la formación de base y de la formación continúa para mediadores BEIRUT, LIBANO UIA
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In light of the spread of the culture of mediation across the world as a modern means for conflict resolution, the necessity and importance of the specialization and continuing education of the mediator, in order for the mediation to be fruitful, are clear. This gives rise to the following questions:
1. Who can become a mediator? Can mediation be undertaken by anyone? Should the mediator acquire specific techniques? Is training necessary to master these skills?
2. How and where can mediation training and specialization take place?
3. What subjects will be covered in the seminar?
4. Why is continuing education/training necessary?
5. Do lawyers need special training to fulfill their role when attending the mediation session with their clients?
All of these questions will be addressed in the seminar, in which specialized lecturers will discuss these issues based on their experience under relevant legislation in countries that have already adopted mediation, as well as the experience of international mediation centres that set their own rules and guidelines.
This series of lectures will take place in Beirut, a  historic city with its exceptional geographical location and culture. Participants in this seminar will also have the opportunity to learn about many civilizations through their landmarks in Beirut and Lebanon, and visit the tourist areas sites of the city, from the traditional culinary hubs to the vibrant nightlife.
We look forward to welcoming you to Beirut!
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