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  • 2022-06-09T12:15:00 2022-06-09T13:30:00 Europe/Paris Session 2 – CORPORATE / M&A Warsaw Bar Association Henryk Krajewski room Al. Ujazdowskie 49 UIA
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Session 2 – CORPORATE / M&A

  • 09/06/2022 - 11:15 - 12:30
  • Warsaw Bar Association Henryk Krajewski room Al. Ujazdowskie 49


This panel will discuss two different issues: (i) the new trends on corporate governance and how ESG main issues are taking the centre stage in corporate governance and (ii) how the new ESG focus is impacting M&A transactions, including due diligence, additional covenants and obligations for the parties, etc. A special focus will be made on how different ESG regulations can be applied to a cross-border M&A transaction.


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