At the first annual seminar of the UIA Biotechnology Law Working Group, lawyers, academics, bioethicists and business experts from four continents will share their knowledge with attorneys, biotechnology companies and other professionals.
Our presenters include Artificial Reproductive Technology legal trailblazer Steven Snyder and Péter Oszkó, Chairman and CEO of PortfoLion Kockázati Tõkealap-kezelõ Zrt., Budapest.
Our audience will gain practical information on:
Emerging legal questions in patent eligibility, protection and enforcement
Licensing, technology transfer and cooperation contracts
The moral dimensions of Artificial Reproductive Technology
Hot topics in telemedicine and bioinformatics and privacy concerns
R&D, start-up finance
Apart from the professional programme, the beauty of Budapest and the hospitality of the host committee and sponsoring associations will make this a memorable, not-to-be-missed event.
Please join us and spend a spring weekend after the seminar in the capital city of Hungary!
l'UIA a obtenu les accréditations suivantes :
9 heures de formation dispensées
France : cette formation a été homologuée par le Conseil National des Barreaux – CNB