Empresas en dificultades y reestructuración de la deuda bancaria


del 24 de Enero al 26 de Enero de 2013

  • Imprimir
  • 2013-01-24 08:30:00 2013-01-26 18:00:00 Europe/London Empresas en dificultades y reestructuración de la deuda bancaria VERONA, ITALIA UIA
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  • Homologación

    la UIA ha obtenido las siguientes homologaciónes :

    • 9 horas de formación
      Francia: la UIA ha obtenido la homologación oficial del Consejo Nacional francés de Colegios de Abogados (Conseil National des Barreaux – CNB)


The aim of the seminar is to consider the complex problems to be dealt with when professional advice is required by a company in crisis, specifically with regard to the relationships with the banks and the question of restructuring bank debts as may be necessary for the continued trading of the company.

These are questions that involve the application of bankruptcy law as well as the drawing up of complex agreements on negotiation with bankers, which generally follow contractual practice schemes.

A multi-disciplinary approach is needed because the process of restructuring bank debts sees the involvement of several professional figures and requires the simultaneous presence of diverse areas of expertise.

On the one side there is the company that has to restructure its debts, which normally means taking advice from consultants in the fields of law, tax, finance and economics, often coordinated by an advisor. On the other side are the banks who sometimes work in a coordinated manner sometimes not.

An essential role is also played by independent parties such as auditing companies or professional persons who, according to what is provided for by the legislation of the State concerned, may be called upon for independent evaluations on the real possibility of the company in difficulty being able to implement the business plan submitted to the banks and to other creditors.

With a host of panelists from various countries and different professional backgrounds, the Verona seminar offers a rare opportunity to get a global vision of the problems concerning the professional assistance on restructuring bank debts, including cross border issues and the analysis of real life cases.




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la UIA ha obtenido las siguientes homologaciónes :

  • 9 horas de formación
    Francia: la UIA ha obtenido la homologación oficial del Consejo Nacional francés de Colegios de Abogados (Conseil National des Barreaux – CNB)

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