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  • 2020-01-17T17:45:00 2020-01-17T19:00:00 Europe/Paris Opportunities and Obstacles for Business Mediation and Conflict Management Palazzo Emilio Turati UIA
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Opportunities and Obstacles for Business Mediation and Conflict Management

  • 17/01/2020 - 16:45 - 18:00
  • Palazzo Emilio Turati


In this session we will discuss the current opportunities and obstacles for business mediation and conflict management programmes in profit and non-profit organisations. How does business mediation relates to (the effectiveness of) other forms of conflict resolution? What the reasons are for whether or not using business mediation and what are the desired qualifications in terms of background and experience of the mediator, the role of lawyers and the method of conducting mediation (approach and mediation style).


  • Informe

    Opportunities and Obstacles for Business Mediation and Conflict Management

    Pasquale ORRICO

    Opportunities and Obstacles for Business Mediation and Conflict Management

    UIA 27th World Forum of Mediation Centres, Milan Italy
    Opportunities and Obstacles for Business Mediation and Conflict Management
    Italian perspective and the the application of Legislative Decree 28/2010

  • Informe

    Study of opportunities and impediments in commercial mediation in The Netherlands

    Monique VAN DE GRIENDT

    Study of opportunities and impediments in commercial mediation in The Netherlands

    UIA 27th World Forum of Mediation Centres, Milan Italy
    Study of opportunities and impediments in commercial mediation in The Netherlands

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