Expanda su conocimiento jurídico
Opportunities Arising from the Reactivation of the Real Estate Market Les opportunités liées à la relance du marché immobilier Oportunidades vinculadas a la reactivación del mercado inmobiliario -> THE VIEW OF THE OPERATOR IN REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS THE VIEW OF THE OPERATOR IN REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS LA PERSPECTIVA DEL AGENTE FINANCIERO EN LAS TRANSACCIONES INMOBILIARIAS
Opportunities Arising from the Reactivation of the Real Estate Market Les opportunités liées à la relance du marché immobilier Oportunidades vinculadas a la reactivación del mercado inmobiliario -> ROUND TABLE - THE SPANISH MARKET: TRENDS AND NEW PLAYERS : BANKS ROUND TABLE - THE SPANISH MARKET: TRENDS AND NEW PLAYERS : BANKS MESA REDONDA - EL MERCADO ESPAÑOL: TENDENCIAS Y NUEVOS ACTORES
Opportunities Arising from the Reactivation of the Real Estate Market Les opportunités liées à la relance du marché immobilier Oportunidades vinculadas a la reactivación del mercado inmobiliario -> THE FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURING IN SPAIN : SAREB Experience THE FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURING IN SPAIN : SAREB Experience LA REESTRUCTURACIÓN DEL SISTEMA FINANCIERO ESPAÑOL : La experiencia del SAREB
Opportunities Arising from the Reactivation of the Real Estate Market Les opportunités liées à la relance du marché immobilier Oportunidades vinculadas a la reactivación del mercado inmobiliario -> INTERNATIONAL PLAYERS : The Arab Investors INTERNATIONAL PLAYERS : The Arab Investors ACTORES INTERNACIONALES : Los inversores árabes
The Role of Trade Unions and Works Councils in the Life of a Corporation Le rôle des syndicats et des comités d'entreprise dans la vie d'une société El papel de los sindicatos y comités de empresa en la vida empresarial -> The role of trade unions and works councils in our globalized economic environment. Legal, economic and social contexts in which trade unions operate today The role of trade unions and works councils in our globalized economic environment. Legal, economic and social contexts in which trade unions operate today The role of trade unions and works councils in our globalized economic environment. Legal, economic and social contexts in which trade unions operate today
The Role of Trade Unions and Works Councils in the Life of a Corporation Le rôle des syndicats et des comités d'entreprise dans la vie d'une société El papel de los sindicatos y comités de empresa en la vida empresarial -> Involvement of trade unions/works councils when large-scale redundancies are to be implemented Involvement of trade unions/works councils when large-scale redundancies are to be implemented Involvement of trade unions/works councils when large-scale redundancies are to be implemented
The Role of Trade Unions and Works Councils in the Life of a Corporation Le rôle des syndicats et des comités d'entreprise dans la vie d'une société El papel de los sindicatos y comités de empresa en la vida empresarial -> Participation of trade unions/works councils in the negotiation of collective agreements, at national and company level, and the effect of such agreements on the employer and the workers Participation of trade unions/works councils in the negotiation of collective agreements, at national and company level, and the effect of such agreements on the employer and the workers Participation of trade unions/works councils in the negotiation of collective agreements, at national and company level, and the effect of such agreements on the employer and the workers
The Role of Trade Unions and Works Councils in the Life of a Corporation Le rôle des syndicats et des comités d'entreprise dans la vie d'une société El papel de los sindicatos y comités de empresa en la vida empresarial -> Trade union representation within a company: appointment, rights and duties of the representatives. Right to strike and anti-union behaviours Trade union representation within a company: appointment, rights and duties of the representatives. Right to strike and anti-union behaviours Trade union representation within a company: appointment, rights and duties of the representatives. Right to strike and anti-union behaviours