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Businesses in critical difficulty and the restructuring of bank debts Entreprises en difficulté et restructuration bancaire Empresas en dificultades y reestructuración de la deuda bancaria -> Restructuring of German Companies and their Bank Debts in View of the New German Insolvency Law Restructuring of German Companies and their Bank Debts in View of the New German Insolvency Law Restructuring of German Companies and their Bank Debts in View of the New German Insolvency Law
Businesses in critical difficulty and the restructuring of bank debts Entreprises en difficulté et restructuration bancaire Empresas en dificultades y reestructuración de la deuda bancaria -> AFTERNOON SESSION AFTERNOON SESSION AFTERNOON SESSION
Fashion Law: the IP and Distribution Issues Facing the Industry Today Droit de la Mode: les questions de PI et de droit de la distribution face aux défis actuels de l'industrie Tendencias y temas de propiedad intelectual y de distribución en el mundo de la moda -> Agreements with fashion designers; and Design consultancy, manufacturing and supply agreements for the trademark owner Agreements with fashion designers; and Design consultancy, manufacturing and supply agreements for the trademark owner Agreements with fashion designers; and Design consultancy, manufacturing and supply agreements for the trademark owner