Ciberespacio - Desafíos y resolusión de diferencias


del 19 de Febrero al 20 de Febrero de 2011

  • Imprimir
  • 2011-02-19 08:30:00 2011-02-20 18:00:00 Europe/London Ciberespacio - Desafíos y resolusión de diferencias KOCHI, INDIA UIA
    Añadir a mi calendario


Cyberspace has become a necessary part of everyone’s daily life. The growing importance and significance of the Internet have not only resulted in radical changes to the social context and behaviour in the last decade, but have also brought along numerous challenges to legal thoughts, approaches and systems. All of them were inexperienced before. The related issues are and were the origin for a broad variety of thoughts and initiatives.

The seminar’s goal is to highlight, present and assess some of the pertinent current legal approaches towards the cyberspace and its challenges. A particular emphasis will be on ways to cope with the unpredictabilities and particular legal risks of cyberspace. Aspects of contract law, criminal law and approaches for dispute resolution will be addressed with a national, regional and international point of view.


Please download the programme and the registration form.




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