Droits de l'Homme | 21.08.2024

International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, 21 August 2024

Terrorism constitutes a real threat to the security of the citizens, and to global stability and prosperity. A persistent scourge that knows no border, nationality or religion, terrorism is a challenge that the international community must tackle together. The effects of terrorism are long-lasting and tragic on huge numbers of people. An act of terrorism is designed to have a strong psychological impact.

Terrorism has a direct repercussion on human rights, with consequences for the enjoyment of the right to life, liberty and physical integrity of individuals, especially victims of terrorism. It can destabilise and undermine entire societies, jeopardise peace and security and threaten social and economic development. Terrorism attacks the pillars of democracy and the rule of law upon which the respect of human rights is based.

In its resolution 72/165 (2017), the United Nations General Assembly, established the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism to be commemorated annually on 21 August, in order to honour and support the victims and survivors of terrorism and to promote and protect the full enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms. The International Day commemorated and upheld the dignity of victims, as well as showed global solidarity in ensuring that victims are not forgotten.

Each year, thousands of innocent lives are shattered by terrorist violence driven by violent extremism. Most victims of terrorism are innocent citizens who find themselves at the wrong place and at the wrong time, randomly targeted in brutal attacks. Terrorism involves deliberately targeting civilians. Terrorist attacks are an unacceptable affront to all humanity.

The Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) - through this statement - pays solemn tribute to those who lost their lives in terrorist attacks around the world and - during its events (e.g. in 2024, among other things, in the Tokyo [1] and Tangier [2] seminars as well as in the imminent Paris Congress [3] – continues to emphasize the importance of combating and preventing terrorism (in all its forms and tactics), which is a serious crime that has no justification, whatever its motivation or origin may be.


[1] “A Road to Human Rights Due Diligence - Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Corruption, Environmental Protection and more” (21-22 March 2024).
[2] “La lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux: enjeux et défis” (3-4 May 2024).
[3] “68th Congress” (from October 30 to November 03, 2024).