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  • 2018-11-01T12:00:00 2018-11-01T13:30:00 Europe/Paris LABOUR LAW Centro de Congressos D. Luís UIA
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  • 01/11/2018 - 11:00 - 12:30
  • Centro de Congressos D. Luís


The Administration’s Involvement in Labour Relations: What are the Practical and Legal Implications?

The major role played by the Labour Administration and Labour Inspectorate systems in the context of the economic and social development of States is recognized by the ILO Convention, the ILO Declaration of Philadelphia and the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization.
The aim of the session is to identify, using a comparative approach to the practices of the various European Union and other States, how the Labour Administration ensures compliance with labour law through its role of counsel, prevention and oversight, and even interventionism, in particular in the field of the promotion of occupational health and safety, employee protection and Social Security benefits, the promotion of fundamental rights, in particular non-discrimination, and the appropriate functioning of workplace relations and social dialog.
The session will also seek to focus on how, as a result of the economic crisis, numerous countries have been forced to adopt rescue measures, in particular in the areas of dismissals on economic grounds, employment and unemployment benefit.


  • Report

    Convergences between Labor Law and Administrative Law

    Michael MEYENBURG

    Convergences between Labor Law and Administrative Law

    1. General Outline of the - tripartite- Relations between
    Health & Safety administrative
    Social Security administrative, contribution;
    Employment individual /collective;

    2. Posting of Workers from EU MS and abroad to Austria/Avoidance of “Social Dumping” and “Social Fraud”

    3. 2018 Amendments of the “Working Time” laws - Highest Possible Working Time - slogans of “12 hours” day – “60 hours”-week

  • Report

    Intervention de l’administration dans les relations individuelles de travail

    Mary-Daphné FISHELSON

    Intervention de l’administration dans les relations individuelles de travail

    La mission générale de l’Inspection du travail a été définie par la convention n°81 de l’Organisation Internationale du Travail élaborée en 1947. Cette mission est la suivante :
    • Assurer l’application des dispositions légales relatives aux conditions de travail et à la protection des travailleurs dans l’exercice de leur profession ;
    • Fournir des informations et des conseils techniques aux employeurs et aux travailleurs sur les moyens les plus efficaces d’observer les dispositions légales ;
    • Porter à l’attention de l’autorité compétente les déficiences ou les abus qui ne sont pas spécifiquement couverts par les dispositions légales existantes.
    Créée en 1874, l’Inspection du Travail n’en est pas pour le moins régulièrement modernisée. En témoigne l’adoption d’un nouveau Code de déontologie du service public de l’Inspection du travail. Prévu par la « loi Travail » depuis le 10 août 2016, le décret n°2017-541 du 12 avril 2017 (publié le 14 avril 2017) fixe les règles que les agents du service public de l'Inspection du travail doivent respecter. Il précise également les prérogatives et garanties prévues pour l'exercice de leurs missions et rappelle notamment qu’ils bénéficient de la garantie d'indépendance et du libre exercice du droit syndical.

  • Report

    Convergences between Labour Law and Administrative Law

    Michael MEYENBURG

    Convergences between Labour Law and Administrative Law

    National report for Austria

  • Report

    The Administration’s Involvment in Labour Relations : Practical and Legal Implications ?

    Massimo LUPI

    The Administration’s Involvment in Labour Relations : Practical and Legal Implications ?

    1.Legal sources;
    2.Italian Labour Administration;
    3.Policy Areas:
    a)Occupational health and safety;
    c)Right to non – discrimination;
    d)Right to social protection.

  • Report

    Convergenze tra diritto del lavoro e diritto amministrativo

    Matelda LO FIEGO

    Convergenze tra diritto del lavoro e diritto amministrativo

    Il settore nel quale, in Italia, é maggiore la convergenza tra diritto del lavoro e diritto amministrativo é quello delle ispezioni sul luogo di lavoro.

  • Report

    Convergences between Labour Law and Administrative Law

    Matelda LO FIEGO

    Convergences between Labour Law and Administrative Law

    The main field, in Italian Law, in which there is a convergence between labour and administrative Law, is the sector of labour inspections.
    The labour inspector was created with 1879 April 3rd Law.
    In 1902 a apposite office was created at the Labour Ministry.
    In 1955 the labour inspectorate was created, with the function of controlling the respect of the main principles in the labour law and inflicting the sanctions in case of violation of these laws.
    In 1993 n.537 Law transformed the labour inspectorate in labour directions.
    In 2004 n.124 Law gave, to the labour inspectors, the function to prevent accident on the working place as well as the violations of any labour law as well as the conciliation power.
    This Law create, also, the general direction that has, its seat, at the Labour Ministry

  • Report


    Pascal PETREL


    Depuis le 14 avril 2017, les pouvoirs de l'inspecteur du travail ont été encadrés,sachant que, depuis le 1er juillet 2016, ses missions avaient déjà été renforcées.
    Tout est donc fait pour assurer la protection des salariés sur leur lieu de travail.

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