67th Congress
2023-10-25 -2023-10-29
The Prosecution of International Crimes by National and International Criminal Courts: Complementarity or Positive Competition?
More than 20 years after the entry into force of the Rome Statute (July 1, 2002) which established the International Criminal Court, the session will take stock of some of the advances and challenges of international criminal justice.
In particular, the respective contributions and limits of national and international criminal jurisdictions in the repression of international crimes will be discussed, along with what can be learned from their practices. The following questions will therefore be examined from this angle:
(i) The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and the principle of complementarity;
(ii) Prosecution of international crimes before national criminal courts under universal jurisdiction;
(iii) Investigations and/or prosecution of international crimes before national and international criminal courts, the example of Ukraine;
(iv) Investigations and/or prosecution of international crimes before national and international criminal courts, the example of the Democratic Republic of Congo;
(v) Corporate criminal responsibility for international crimes;
(vi) Institutional support provided to the Defence before international criminal tribunals (during investigations and trials)