The Forum of Mediation Centres was created in 2001 by the Mediation and Conflict Prevention Commission of the UIA. It brings together the most important commercial mediation and ADR centres from around the world and offers an occasion to exchange views on the development of ADR and best practices. It is also an occasion for centres to collaborate on specific programmes.
The meeting in Lisbon will be the 16th since the creation of the Forum.
In this meeting of the Forum we are exploring the all important topic of training for lawyers in mediation and how that differs from litigation, looking afresh at the combined use of mediation with arbitration in the light of recent developments, considering the continuing influence of the European Union Directive on Mediation and in particular how countries relatively new to mediation, like Portugal, Greece and Italy have reacted to meet the challenge, including the perhaps controversial use of mandatory mediation.
We will hear about the use of creativity in mediation, from new and experienced mediators on how do you establish a successful mediation practice, how mediation is being increasing used in sports disputes, how mediation can be used to resolve disputes between the indigenous population and commercial entities and the very important subject that all Mediation Centres have to grapple with – exactly how do you select suitable mediators for specific cases?
As usual the Forum will be interactive with ample opportunity for audience participation and include the by now standard topics of News from the Centres and conclude with an optional session on healthcare mediation.
Yet again, if you want to remain at the forefront of the latest thinking in mediation and ADR this is an event you cannot afford to miss.
Please download the programme and the registration form
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