Negotiating and Managing International Sales, Agency and Distributorship Contracts


from January 28 to January 29, 2011

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  • 2011-01-28 08:30:00 2011-01-29 18:00:00 Europe/London Negotiating and Managing International Sales, Agency and Distributorship Contracts ANTWERP, BELGIUM UIA
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The United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) based on the world-wide acceptance by lawyers raised with different traditions and back - grounds has enjoyed enduring success and is continuing to do so. It has become an essential tool for any lawyer dealing with international contract law.

Another set of rules under discussion is the draft Common European Sales Law (CESL). As regards contractual rules, a new version of the ICC model international sales contract will be examined by the chair of the working party which drafted the new text.

In the field of international distribution there are numerous issues which must be considered when setting up a distribution network, the first of which is the choice between a distributor/importer and a commercial agent. Another important question is that of the agents' goodwill indemnity, which in certain countries may be due also to distributors/resellers.

A special attention will be devoted to the drafting of agency and distributorship contracts by comparing the common law and the civil law approach in this field.

Finally, the speakers will deal with the issues of applicable law and jurisdiction and with the problems arising in the context of internet sales.

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