Organizada con la colaboración de la Federación de los Colegios de Abogados de Europa (FBE), de la cual el Colegio de la Abogacía de Barcelona es miembro fundador.
Formato blended (presencial y on-line)
Los colegiados/as que lo deseen pueden venir presencialmente a la 8ª planta del ICAB confirmando asistencia aquí o enviando un e-mail a
Human rights are a vitally important topic as they are fundamental freedoms that belong to every person, regardless of where they are from or who they are. Lawyers, all over the world, are threatened and intimidated every day in the exercise of their profession in the defence of human rights, at times, even against their own government. Nevertheless, the protection, enforcement and use of human rights as a mechanism for changing and progress into a fairer and equal world is essential for the future of everyone. That is why participating in discussions regarding the fragility of human rights, as well as the usefulness, is crucial and fruitful for the legal profession. As protectors of the law, we have the obligation to improve on the practice of our profession by means of thoughtful engagement and open dialogue.
The session will be delivered in an hybrid format combining an in-person conference experience with a virtual component
Para más información, contactad con el Departamento internacional ( – Tel. 93 496 19 21)
* Idioma del webinar: Inglés. NO HABRÁ TRADUCCIÓN SIMULTÁNEA